Selected Group Exhibitions nbsp;
1980 Barcelone, Centre d’Estudis d’Art Contemporani, XIX premi internacional de Dibuix Joan Miro
         Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 12th Young Artists Salon
1981 Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 16th Zagreb Salon
1982 Bilbao, Ferie de Arte Contemporanea « Arteder 82 » (International exhibition of graphic arts)
         Zagreb, JNA Gallery, « Papiri »
         Zagreb, Karas Gallery, « Postav recetne umjetnosti »
         Split, Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Art
         Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 14th Young Artists Salon
         Zagreb, Vladimir Nazor Gallery, Works by participants in the atelier of Ljubo Ivančić and Nikola Reiser
         Belgrade, Gallery of the Students Cultural Centre, « Novi obrat, slikarstvo »
         Zagreb, Art Pavilion, Biennial of Croatian Graphic Art
1983 Mayence, City Hall, « Junge Maler aus Zagreb »
         Zagreb, Karas Gallery
         Rijeka, Museum of Modern Art Gallery, 12th Young Artists Biennial
         Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 15th Young Artists Salon
1984 Rijeka, Moderna Gallery, 9th International Drawing Exhibition
         Berlin, Triennial of Graphic Art, « Intergrafic 84 »
         Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 17th Zagreb Salon
1985 Paris, Bernanos Gallery, Exhibition of French Government Grantholders
         Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 17th Young Artists Salon
1986 Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 18th Zagreb Salon
1988 Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 20th Young Artists Salon
         Slovenj Gradec, Biennial of Graphic Art
         Montrouge, Montrouge Salon
1989 Rochefort, « Jeunes créateurs dans la ville »
1990 Carcassone, Arcade Gallery, DRAC du Languedoc Roussillon, « Renaissances à l’Est »
1992 Avignon, Espace Poésie dans un Jardin, « Peinture et Poésie croate contemporaine »
1994 Paris, Salon Grands et Jeunes
1997 Danmarie-les-Lys, Salon of Contemporary Art
         Zagreb, Klovic Castle Museum, « Hravtski obzori »
2001 Paris, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, « Images », commission by the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France
2002 Zagreb, 3rd Drawing Triennial, invited artist, Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences graphic arts cabinet
2009 Strasbourg, St’Art
2013 London, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, « Trace »
2023 Art Genève, Pascal Lansberg Gallery