Selected Group Exhibitions |
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1980 |
Barcelone, Centre d’Estudis d’Art Contemporani, XIX premi internacional de Dibuix Joan Miro |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 12th Young Artists Salon |
1981 |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 16th Zagreb Salon |
1982 |
Bilbao, Ferie de Arte Contemporanea « Arteder 82 » (International exhibition of graphic arts) |
Zagreb, JNA Gallery, « Papiri » |
Zagreb, Karas Gallery, « Postav recetne umjetnosti » |
Split, Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Art |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 14th Young Artists Salon |
Zagreb, Vladimir Nazor Gallery, Works by participants in the atelier of Ljubo Ivančić and Nikola Reiser |
Belgrade, Gallery of the Students Cultural Centre, « Novi obrat, slikarstvo » |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, Biennial of Croatian Graphic Art |
1983 |
Mayence, City Hall, « Junge Maler aus Zagreb » |
Zagreb, Karas Gallery |
Rijeka, Museum of Modern Art Gallery, 12th Young Artists Biennial |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 15th Young Artists Salon |
1984 |
Rijeka, Moderna Gallery, 9th International Drawing Exhibition |
Berlin, Triennial of Graphic Art, « Intergrafic 84 » |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 17th Zagreb Salon |
1985 |
Paris, Bernanos Gallery, Exhibition of French Government Grantholders |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 17th Young Artists Salon |
1986 |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 18th Zagreb Salon |
1988 |
Zagreb, Art Pavilion, 20th Young Artists Salon |
Slovenj Gradec, Biennial of Graphic Art |
Montrouge, Montrouge Salon |
1989 |
Rochefort, « Jeunes créateurs dans la ville » |
1990 |
Carcassone, Arcade Gallery, DRAC du Languedoc Roussillon, « Renaissances à l’Est » |
1992 |
Avignon, Espace Poésie dans un Jardin, « Peinture et Poésie croate contemporaine » |
1994 |
Paris, Salon Grands et Jeunes |
1997 |
Danmarie-les-Lys, Salon of Contemporary Art |
Zagreb, Klovic Castle Museum, « Hravtski obzori » |
2001 |
Paris, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, « Images », commission by the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France |
2002 |
Zagreb, 3rd Drawing Triennial, invited artist, Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences graphic arts cabinet |
2009 |
Strasbourg, St’Art |
2013 |
London, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, « Trace » |
2023 |
Art Genève, Pascal Lansberg Gallery |